Volume: 61 Issue: 2, 7/1/24

Year: 2024



Prof. Dr. Bülent ÇAKMAK Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Makinaları ve Teknolojileri Mühendisliği Bölümü
Materials Science and Technologies, Engineering, Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling, Agricultural Automatization, Agricultural Machines, Metals and Alloy Materials, Composite and Hybrid Materials, Materials Engineering (Other), Biosystem, Precision Agriculture Technologies, Agricultural Machine Systems
Prof. Dr. Doğan IŞIK Erciyes Universitesi
Vegetable Growing and Treatment
Irrigation Systems
Irrigation Water Quality, Water Quality and Water Pollution, Biosystem, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other)
Prof. Dr. Hakan ADANACIOĞLU Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü 0000-0002-8439-8524
Agribusiness, Marketing in Agricultural Management, Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness
Phytopathology, Plant Pathology
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design, Green Structures and Environments, Landscape Techniques
Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed ÇUHADAR Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi 0000-0003-0776-5893
Ecological Impacts of Climate Change and Ecological Adaptation, Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Agricultural Policy
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa AKBABA SİVAS BİLİM VE TEKNOLOJİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-7029-9461
Assoc. Prof. Nagehan Desen KÖYCÜ Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümü 0000-0003-2511-6096
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruziye KARAMAN Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 0000-0001-5088-8253
Field Crops and Pasture Production, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology, Plant Morphology and Anatomy, Botany (Other), Cereals and Legumes
Vegetable Growing and Treatment
Agricultural Extension and Communication
Dr. Uğur ÇAKALOĞULLARI It is not affiliated with an institution 0000-0003-4175-1815
Industrial Crops, Agronomy, Cereals and Legumes
Agricultural Machines, Classification Algorithms, Agricultural Machine Systems
Agricultural Engineering (Other), Phytopathology

Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University is the scientific publication of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture that is peer-reviewed, open-access journal in the field of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. The journal is also indexing in the directory and platforms such as CAB Abstracts, Clarivate Analytics-Zoological Record, DOAJ, EBSCO, FAO-AGRIS, Google Scholar, NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA), SCOPUS, TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM and TR Dizin aiming at increase the sharing and spread of information at national and international levels.

The unpublished original research manuscripts and full text’s of abstracts printed in proceeding books, or relevant review papers (maximum one in each issue) in the field of Agricultural Sciences are published in English in Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. Manuscript evaluation criteria of the journal and process are available in related links. The content of all submitted papers is controlled via plagiarism audit software pursuant to the ethical policy of our journal. Responsibilities of scientific contents, results, and convenience of the ethical rules of published manuscript are belongs to the author(s).


1. The Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University is published four issues in a year as in March, June, September, and December.
2. The journal publishes original research articles in the field of Agricultural Sciences that have not been published previously, original research articles that have been published only as an abstract in proceedings books, and also reviews articles that are suitable for the scope of the journal (an article in each issue). Letters to the editor are not accepted for publication.
3. If the authors are the same in the manuscripts, only two of them are accepted for the publication in the same issue.
4. No royalty is paid to the authors. There is no fee from the accepted articles.
5. Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscripts to be published.
6. Application of the manuscripts should be via web address; https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/zfdergi
7. The research articles should be prepared in English generally under the main headings; Title, Abstract in English and in Turkish (structured), Keywords in English and in Turkish, Introduction, Material and Methods, Findings, Discussion, Results and References. If requested “Findings” and “Discussion” can be written in a single title as “Findings and Discussion”. The review articles, writing rules and process are the same as the research articles. Review articles should include at least 50 references, at least 75 % of which should be within the last 10 years and should not have been published in any other publication.
8. Abstract must include information on objectives of the research; approach and methodology, and important research findings. Do not use all uppercase for the title of your abstract.
a. Turkish Translations of the Abstracts (structured) to be submitted from the manuscripts abroad will be performed by Editorial Board.
b. Abstracts should be written in English apart from manuscript and length is limited to a maximum of 200 words.
c. Avoid from using author details, diagrams, references, and abbreviations except from commonly used ones in the manuscript.
d. Provide relevant keywords to a maximum 4-6 words leaving a linespacing after the abstract. Do not simply repeat words from the abstract title only.
9. The full specific name; genus plus species, is italicized. Dots are used in the expression of decimals.
10. Graphics, maps, photographs, pictures and similar presentations should be named as "Figure" and presentations of numbers in columns and rows are described as "Table".  Turkish titles should also be placed under the English titles of Figures and Tables. All given Tables and Figures should be cited in the text and should be given just after the closest to the cited place in the article. Data should be presented either as a table or figure (giving only one of them to avoid duplication) in such a way that should be easily understood by the reader.

11. Any citation in your articles to at least one article among the previous papers published in our journal has great importance for contribution to the application of Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University to International Citation Indexes.
12. Style;
a. Manuscripts must be submitted in Word. All parts of the manuscript must be typewritten, single column, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. The author must use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Arial) for text and save the paper in docx format (Word 2007 or higher). Number manuscript pages consecutively through-out the paper and not to exceed 16 pages in total. Margins: Top 3,00 cm, bottom 2,75 cm, left and right 1,75 cm, should be different on the cover page, odd and even pages.
b. Each page in the manuscript should be numbered. Page sizes is Width: 20cm and Height: 28cm.

c. The title of the article should be written size 14 point, bold, centered. Only the first letter of each words should be a capital and the rest in lower case letters.

d. The names of the authors should be written in lower case letters; bold letters, point 12, centered and separated from the title by one line space. The name(s) of the author(s) should be written with the surname in full and capital letters. Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Specify by asterisk the corresponding author. Leave one line space and write the e-mail author only, centered, point 10 characters.
e. A maximum number of three levels of headings are recommended. First-level headings should start in the left margin with the first letter of each major word capitalized, bold, Arial 12 pt font. Second-level headings should be bold, left margin, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. Third-level headings are discouraged, but, if required, should begin on the left margin, only the first letter of the word should be a capital and the rest in lower case letters.
f. The main body of the manuscript should be written before and after the lines in 6nk, with at least 13nk spacing, Arial 10 pt, normal, justified. All paragraphs beginnings should be indented 1cmThe text should be fully justified. There should be no hyphenation (cutting words). The authors are discouraged from highlighting text with the use of bold or underlined fonts.
g. Academic and/or other professional institutions of the authors should be mentioned with 10 pt font using superscript on the number.
13. The system of “author and year” should be used for references in the manuscript except special cases. If there is more than one reference, then the references should be given in chronological order. References in the text consist of the author(s) name and publication year in parentheses, for example: Surname1 (date), Surname1 & Surname2 (date), Surname1 et al. (date). If several references are cited collectively, they are enclosed in parentheses with no additional parentheses around dates, and separated by semicolons (SurnameA, date; SurnameB et al., date; SurnameC, date; SurnameD1 & SurnameD2, date). Multiple entries for one author or one group of authors should be ordered chronologically, and multiple entries for the same year should be distinguished by appending sequential lower-case letters to the year, even if the author groups are not identical:
14. References should appear together at the end of the paper, listed alphabetically by the last name of the first author. All references cited in the text should be listed in the References section. If two or more references by the same author are listed, the earliest dated work appears first. First letter of each word for the titles of the books and book chapters should be in capital. Publishing number for Institutional publishing or publisher's name and address should be given. First line of the reference should be at the beginning of paragraph and following lines must be drawn in of 0.5 cm. Journal titles must be written in full.
Lodos, N., 1998. Türkiye Entomolojisi VI (Genel, Uygulamalı ve Faunistik) (I. Basım). Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No:529, 300 s.
National Research Council. 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th rev. Ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 176 pp.
Book chapter:
Metcalfe, J., M.K. Stock & R.L. Ingermann, 1984. "The effects of oxygen on growth and development of the chick embryo, 205-219". In: Respiration and Metabolism of Embriyonic Vertebrates. 4th ed. (Eds. R.S. Seymour& W. Junk), Dordrecht, The Netherland, 479 pp. 
Conference paper or poster:
Lodos, N. & M. Boulard. 1987. “Bazı Cicadidae (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) türlerinin tanınmalarında sesin taksonomik karakter olarak kullanılması üzerinde bir araştırma, 643-648”. Türkiye I. Entomoloji Kongresi (13-16 Ekim 1987, İzmir) Bildirileri, Entomoloji Derneği Yayınları No: 3, 729 s.
Parsons, C.M. 1994. “Amino acid availability for poultry, 356-359”. 9th European Poultry Conference, World’s Poultry Science Association, Book of Proceedings, Glasgow, UK, Vol: 2, 639 pp.
Lodos, N. & A. Kalkandelen, 1988. Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of Turkey, XXVII. (Addenda and Corrigenda). Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 12(1): 11-22.
Bagley, L.G. & V.L. Christensen. 1991. Hatchability and physiology of turkey embryos incubated at sea level with increased eggshell permeability. Poultry Science, 70 (3): 1412-1418.
URL: As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.
Schaeffer, L.R., 1997. Subject: Random regressions. (Web page: http://chuckagsci.colostate.edu/wais/logs/agdg869258263.html) (Date accessed: November, 1997).

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics
The publication process at Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University is the basis of the improvement and dissemination of information objectively and respectfully. Therefore, the procedures in this process improves the quality of the studies. Peer-reviewed studies are the ones that support and materialize the scientific method. At this point, it is of utmost importance that all parties included in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, reviewers and editors) comply with the standards of ethical considerations. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University expects all parties to hold the following ethical responsibilities.
The following ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guide and policies made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The authors who submit their manuscripts to Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• Author(s) must submit original studies to the journal. If they utilize or use other studies, they must make the in-text and end-text references accurately and completely.
• People who have not contributed to the study at the intellectual level should not be indicated as author.
• If the manuscripts submitted to be published are subject of conflicting interests or relations, these must be explained.
• During the review process of their manuscripts, author(s) may be asked to supply raw data. In such a case, author(s) should be ready to submit such data and information to the editorial and scientific boards.
• Author(s) should document that they have the participants' consent and the necessary permissions related with the sharing and research/analysis of the data that are used.
• Author(s) bears the responsibility to inform the editor of the journal or publisher if they happen to notice a mistake in their study which is in early release or publication process and to cooperate with the editors during the correction or withdrawal process.
• Authors cannot submit their studies to multiple journals simultaneously. Each submission can be made only after the previous one is completed. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. Author responsibilities given in a study (e.g.: adding an author, reordering of author names) whose review process has begun cannot be changed.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
The editor and field editors of Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University should hold the following ethical responsibilities that are based on the guides "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
General duties and responsibilities
Editors are responsible for each study published in Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. In this respect, the editors have the following roles and responsibilities:
• Making efforts to meet the demand for knowledge from readers and authors,
• Ensuring the continuous development of the journal,
• Managing the procedures aimed to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal,
• Supporting freedom of expression,
• Ensuring academic integrity,
• Following the procedures without making concessions on intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
• Being transparent and clear in issues that require correction or explanation.
Relationships with Readers
Editors must make decisions taking into consideration the knowledge, skills and expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners need. They must also ensure that the published studies contribute to literature and be original. Moreover, they must take notice of the feedback received from researchers and practitioners and provide explanatory and informative feedback.
Relationships with Authors
Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with authors:
• Editors must make positive or negative decisions about the studies' importance, originality, validity, clarity in wording and suitability with the journal's aims and objectives.
• Editors must accept the studies that are within the scope of publication into pre-review process unless there are serious problems with the study.
• Editors must not ignore positive suggestions made by reviewers unless there are serious problems with the study.
• New editors, unless there are serious issues, must not change the previous editor's decisions about the studies.
• "Blind Review and Review Process" must be published and editors must prevent possible diversions in the defined processes.
• Authors should be provided with explanatory and informative feedback.
Relationships with Reviewers
Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with reviewers:
Editors must
• Choose reviewers according to the subject of the study.
• Provide the information and guidance reviewers may need during the review process.
• Observe whether there are conflicting interests between reviewers and authors.
• Keep the identities of reviewers confidential in blind review.
• Encourage the reviewers to review the manuscript in an unbiased, scientific and objective tone.
• Develop practices and policies that increase the performance of reviewers.
• Take necessary steps to update the reviewer pool dynamically.
• Prevent unkind and unscientific reviews.
• Make effort to ensure the reviewer pool has a wide range.
Relationships with the Editorial Board
Editors must make sure that the members of the editorial board follow the procedures in accordance with the publication policies and guidelines, and must inform the members about the publication policies and developments. Moreover, editors must
• Ensure that the members of the editorial board review the manuscripts in an unbiased and independent manner.
• Select the new members of the editorial board from those who can contribute to the journal and are qualified enough.
• Send manuscripts for review based on the subject of expertise of the editorial board members.
• Regularly communicate with the editorial board. Arrange regular meetings with the editorial board for the development of publication policies and the journal.
Relationships with the Journal's Owner and Publisher
The relationship between the editors and publisher is based on the principle of the independency of editors. All the decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and the owner of the journal as required by the agreement made between editors and publisher.
Editorial and Blind Review Processes
Editors are obliged to comply with the policies of "Blind Review and Review Process" stated in the journal's publication policies. Therefore, the editors ensure that each manuscript is reviewed in an unbiased, fair and timely manner.
Quality Assurance
Editors must make sure that articles in the journal are published in accordance with the publication policies of the journal and international standards.
Protection of Personal Information
Editors are supposed to protect the personal information related with the subjects or visuals in the studies being reviewed, and to reject the study if there is no documentation of the subjects' consent. Furthermore, editors are supposed to protect the personal information of the authors, reviewers and readers.
Encouraging Ethical Rules and Protection of Human and Animal Rights
Editors are supposed to protect human and animal rights in the studies being reviewed and must reject the experimental studies which do not have ethical and related committee’s approval about the population given in such studies.
Precautions against possible Abuse and Malpractice
Editors are supposed to take precautions against possible abuse and malpractice. They must conduct investigations meticulously and objectively in determining and evaluating complaints about such situations. They must also share the results of the investigation.
Ensuring Academic Integrity
Editors must make sure that the mistakes, inconsistencies or misdirections in studies are corrected quickly.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all the articles published in the journal and the rights of the journal and author(s) in cases where these rights are violated. Also, editors must take the necessary precautions in order to prevent the content of all published articles from violating the intellectual property rights of other publications.
Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion
Editors must
• Pay attention to the convincing criticism about studies published in the journal and must have a constructive attitude towards such criticism.
• Grant the right of reply to the author(s) of the criticized study.
• Not ignore or exclude the study that include negative results.
Editors must examine the complaints from authors, reviewers or readers and respond to them in an explanatory and enlightening manner.

Retractions, Corrections and Expressions of Concern

Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University’s editors will consider retractions, corrections or expressions of concern in line with COPE’s Retraction Guidelines. If an author is found to have made an error, the journal will issue a corrigendum. If the journal is found to have made an error, they will issue an erratum. Retractions are usually reserved for articles that are so seriously flawed that their findings or conclusions should not be relied upon. Journals that publish Accepted Manuscripts may make minor changes such as those which would likely occur during typesetting or proofreading, but any substantive corrections will be carried out in line with COPE’s Retraction Guidelines. In the case of books, if someone raises a legal, ethical or security concern about an Ege University Press publication, we would inform the author(s) and editor(s) involved. Our next step would be to investigate the concern and, if appropriate, address it through dialogue or negotiation with any third parties involved or by referring it to a relevant institution for investigation. If the concern relates to the integrity or accuracy of the content itself, we would consider issuing a correction, or a retraction and withdrawal from sale. Where any content is retracted, we would do so in a way that still preserves the integrity of the academic record and of other affiliated works (for example, other volumes in a series). This includes maintaining any associated metadata and, if legally possible, the abstract. We also participate in CrossMark; a multi-publisher initiative to provide a standard way for readers to locate the current version of a piece of content, view any changes that have occurred, and access additional information about that publication record.

Political and Economic Apprehensions

Neither the owner of the journal, publisher or any other political or economic factor can influence the independent decision taking of the editors.
Conflicting Interests
Editors, acknowledging that there may be conflicting interests between reviewers and other editors, guarantee that the publication process of the manuscripts will be completed in an independent and unbiased manner
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The fact that all manuscripts are reviewed through "Blind Review" has a direct influence on the publication quality. This process ensures confidentiality by objective and independent review. The review process at Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University is carried out on the principle of double-blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewer views on the evaluation forms and full texts are assigned to the author(s) by the editor. Therefore, the reviewers doing review work for Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University are supposed to bear the following ethical responsibilities:
Reviewers must
• Agree to review only in their subject of expertise.
• Review in an unbiased and confidential manner.
• Inform the editor of the journal if they think that they encounter conflict of interests and decline to review the manuscript during the review process.
• Dispose the manuscripts they have reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality after the review process. Reviewers can use the final versions of the manuscripts they have reviewed only after publication.
• Review the manuscript objectively and only in terms of its content and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and economic apprehension do not influence the review.
• Review the manuscript in a constructive and kind tone, avoid making personal comments including hostility, slander and insult.
• Review the manuscript they have agreed to review on time and in accordance with the ethical rules stated above.
Ethical Responsibilities of Publisher
The Editors and the Editorial Board of Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University are conscious of the fact that they must observe the ethical responsibilities below and act accordingly:
• Editors are responsible for all the processes that the manuscripts submitted to Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University will go through. Within this framework, ignoring the economic or political interests, the decision-makers are the editors.
• The publisher undertakes to have an independent editorial decision made.
• The publisher protects the intellectual property rights of all the articles published in Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University and holds the responsibility to keep a record of each unpublished article.
• The publisher bears all the responsibility to take the precautions against scientific abuse, fraud and plagiarism.
Unethical Behavior
Should you encounter any unethical act or content in Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University apart from the ethical responsibilities listed above, please notify the journal by e-mail at galip.kaskavalci@ege.edu.tr (Editör in Chief Prof. Dr. Galip KAŞKAVALCI).

No royalties are paid to authors. No printing fee is charged for articles accepted for publication.

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